Monday, 23 September 2013

4 Photography Tips To Protect Your DSLR From Danger

 There are 4 things that you have to be on the lookout for to keep your DSLR away from danger. These 4 elements are sand, water, heat, sunscreen and dust.
What are the signs that'll tell you your DSLR has already come into contact with any of the 4 elements? How can you solve it? Most importantly, how to avoid ever letting your DSLR get exposed to these 4 things?

Protect DSLR Photography Tips #1 - Stay Away From Sand

Signs That Your DSLR Is Already In Trouble
When your DSLR gets into contact with sand, you will notice that the moving parts of your DSLR get stuck. The error message on your DSLR's screen appears.

How To Resolve This Problem?
It's bad news that sensor cleaning kits won't be able to come to your DSLR's rescue. Not even gadgets that puff air.
Your only option here is to send your DSLR to a dealer who will do the cleaning for you. Otherwise, you can take it to the manufacturer.
What they'll do to rescue your DSLR is to take it apart, then clean and re-lube all the moving parts of your camera.